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  3. HubSpot Data Target Requirements

Associations - HubSpot Data Target Requirements

DataBlend supports the API calls to Create Associations between objects within HubSpot.

An Association is a link between two objects in Hubspot. Objects such as Deals can be associated with a Contact or a Company in HubSpot.

To create a Hubspot Association, you will need the objectid for the “from” object to the “to”object to link the association.

Query Requirements:

Column (Header)





The object id of the record or item you are linking from Hubspot to another object id in Hubspot


The object id of the record or item you are linking to Hubspot from another object id in Hubspot


The association category can either be HUBSPOT_DEFINED or USER_DEFINED. The HUBSPOT_DEFINED categories can be found below in the associations table.


Value for HUBSPOT_DEFINED linking, if you are using USER_DEFINED then the value will be 36


Please use this link to get the HUBSPOT_DEFINED association categories and association type id’s.

  1. Contact to Object

  2. Company to Object

  3. Deal to Object