Database Credentials

The database connection string must be correct for the server making the database connection. If the DataBlend server will be making the connection, then the database must be available on the internet. If the Data Agent (installed on a local network) will be making the connection, then the database must be available to the server running the Data Agent.

Things to Consider when Connecting:

  • Do you have direct access to the database/server?

  • Is the database on-premise or hosted?

  • Is the database behind a firewall?

    • Yes - Can IP be whitelisted to access the database remotely?

    • No - Agent (client) installation will be required to access the database

  • What type of database are you trying to connect to?


To make a connection to a database, the following credentials are needed:

Field Name 

Required/ Optional 




Provide a unique name for this credential

Connection Type


Select Actian Zen, MySql, PostgreSql, SQL Server, MS Access or Oracle from the drop-down menu

Connection String


The connection string should be in the correct format for the database you are connecting to.

MySQL: Server=myServerAddress; Port=1234; Database=myDataBase; Uid=myUsername; Pwd=myPassword;

SQL Server:
A list of Microsoft connection string properties is available here.
Data Source=Server_Name\Instance_Name; Initial Catalog=TestDatabase; Integrated Security=False; User Id=Username; Password=PW



Microsoft Access:

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\myFolder\myAccessFile.accdb;


Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Integrated Security=no;

The entire connection string will be masked to protect server and password details.


Note: If the connection string is being run on the DataBlend Agent, Integrated Security can be set to True if the current Windows credentials are used for authentication. Then User Id and Password can be omitted. The SQL Server connection will be: Data Source=Server_Name\Instance_Name; Initial Catalog=TestDatabase; Integrated Security=True

Testing the Credential

Database credentials for databases accessible over the internet can be tested. However database credentials for local networks (i.e those set up for use by the Data Agent) can NOT be tested as the DataBlend Server does not have access to the local network. Databases in which DataBlend can directly access can be tested via the DataBlend Test button and will provide helpful error messages.

Additional Agent Considerations/Specifications



1.4 GHz 64-bit processor

Operating System

ANY version of Windows, compatible with Linux


Does not require Java

Disk Space

File is 146MB


4GB to 8GB


The agent is self-contained and will not require too many resources on the server. The only network connectivity needed is the ability to access http.