These instructions will configure your D365F&O settings to allow Datablend to collect OData.
Microsoft Azure Portal Instructions -
1. Visit the Azure Portal search and navigate to “app Registration”
2. Click on “New Registration” on the top left
- Provide a name like “Dynamic_API”
- Set Supported account types to “Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra ID tenant - Multitenant)”
- Click Register Button
3. Click on Certificates & secret tab
- Click new client secret
b. Set an expiration of 365 days or more and a description of your choice.
c. Click add on the bottom right side of screen. The table will then generate the secret key.
d. (IMPORTANT – Copy the Value and store in safe location. This Value will disappear when the page is exited.)
4. Navigate to API Permissions tab
- Click Add a Permission
- Click Dynamics ERP
- Click on the Application Permissions option and toggle on Connector.FullAccess and click Add Permissions.
- Note: that you will need to Grant admin consent. Have an administrator approve of this connection.
- Click Add a Permission
5. Provide Datablend with the following credentials gathered.
- Client_id (Found in the Overview tab)
- Tenant_id (Found in the Overview tab)
- Client_secret VALUE (Found in the Certificates & secret tab)
- Base URL of your Dynamics instance Example:
Microsoft Dynamics F&O Instructions -
- Visit your dynamics site at <>
- Search and navigate to Microsoft Entra ID applications.
- Click “New” and Copy/paste the Client ID that was generated in Azure to the Client ID field, set a name for the connection, and assign a User that has permissions to access the data from F&O.