File Upload


File Upload allow users simple data transfer within their integration process. File Upload is available within the Tools section. File Upload allows users with unique use cases to upload their file directly into the DataBlend platform. 

File Upload Steps

Data Source Schema

Select the data source schema to which the file will be added from the drop-down menu. 

Please note that the data source schema must be previously created. Users cannot create a schema from the File Upload menu. 

Documentation Upload


Field Required/ Optional Description
File Type Required Select the file type from the drop-down menu. 
Sheet Name Optional Enter the sheet name.
Skip Rows Optional Ener the row numbers to be skipped.
Schema Update Type Required Select the Schema update type. 
Close Stream Optional Enable the toggle to close the stream after file upload. This is required if the user is wishing to run a Query.
Allow UTF-8 Column Names Optional Enable the toggle to allow UTF-8 Column Names added to the uploaded file.