General Settings


The Settings page allows group administrators to update group settings and manage group membership. Changes take effect immediately.





This free-text identifier for the group will typically reflect the corporate name of the DataBlend customer and can be updated as needed.

History Retention (Days)


Default: 0

By default, DataBlend retains the complete history of every workflow, collection, query, data quality report and data target job along with any data (collected data or query results) associated with it.

Setting the History Retention (Days) value to something other than “0” will limit the number of days for which DataBlend retains data and logs. A purge of old items will begin shortly after changed settings are saved.

The group level History Retention (Days) value acts as a default value for all components. Each component can override this value as desired.

For example, if the group History Retention (Days) value is set to “30”, all data and logs will be purged after 30 days. If the results of a specific query should be preserved for a full year, then the query’s History Retention setting can be set to “365” to prevent those results from being purged after 30 days.

Fiscal Year Start Month


The value of Fiscal Year Start Month is used when calculating relative dates for collectors and workflows.

DataBlend will use the first day of the configured month as the first day of the fiscal year. If no value is set, January 1 will be used.


Adding a Group Member

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Search for the user you wish to add as a Group Member. There are two methods of searching:

    1. By Name


    2. By exact email address

  3. Assign the new member a role

    1. Group members can run existing workflows including collectors, queries and targets. They can also view logs. They cannot save any edits or make any adjustments to workflows.

    2. Group admins can add, edit and remove members as well as create, edit and delete components.
      Only Admins can update credentials to third party systems.

  4. Click OK.

Removing a Group Member

When a user is removed from a group, the user loses access to all the data and configuration which is part of that group. Anything created by the user remains part of the group for remaining group members to access.

  1. Select the member to be removed from the group.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click OK.



Leaving a Group

Users may elect to leave a group, however there is no means of re-joining the group (other than to be added back by an admin member).

Every group must have at least one admin; therefore, you cannot leave a group if you are the last admin member.


Static IP 


The static IP for our API and Worker is for us-east-2 below:


The static IP for our API and Worker is for eu-west-1 below:


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