How to Create a New Adaptive Data Export/Query


1. Setting up DataBlend 

2. Creating Adaptive Credential

5. Installing DataBlend Google Workspace Application

4. How to Create a New Adaptive Data Export/Query 

5. Drag and Drop Report Creation 

6. Managing your Attribute Hierarchies

7. Copying/Sharing Queries

1. Setting up DataBlend 

Users must have a valid DataBlend Account to connect to the DataBlend Google Workspace Application. Creating the DataBlend Connection is simple. Admin users have full access to the DataBlend platform, while Member users have access limited to non-creation functions.

Questions about logging into DataBlend, Please visit Logging In.

Questions about inviting a member and general settings, please visit General DataBlend User Settings.

2. Creating Adaptive Credential

Creating an Adaptive Credential is simple. Users must have a valid Workday Adaptive Credential set within DataBlend to establish an Adaptive to Google Workspace connection. 

Questions about how to create a Workday Adaptive Credential, please visit Workday Adaptive Credentials

3. Installing DataBlend Google Workspace Application

Navigate to the Extensions, select Add-ons, and select Get add-ons.

Search for DataBlend and install the app from the Google Workspace Marketplace. 

Note, Users need to grant access to DataBlend to Google Drive. Once steps 1 of 2 are completed, users may navigate away.

To complete the setup of the Google Sheet Application, navigate to DataBlend and click Edit DataBlend Credentials.

Users must provide your Client ID and Secret and select your group.

To find Client ID and Secret, navigate to the DataBlend User profile. Click Manage Profile.

Copy the client ID and Secret from the screen. This can be done by using the clipboard icons provided on the screen below. This info is then added to the Edit Credentials menu within Google Sheets.

Ensure that the group within the Select group drop-down is correct. Click the save button. Credentials are now established. 

4. How to Create a New Adaptive Data Export/Query 

To configure a Workday Adaptive Planning Export, first select New Saved Query from the main menu as shown below:

The next side menu lets you assign a Name to the query/export and assign the sheet and sheet location to the export. NOTE: only the starting column and Starting row is necessary (Ending Column/Row have no impact on export).

Type is Collector

Sub-Type is Adaptive.

Click Save and Continue to proceed to the export configuration page.

Export Options:

Show All Options: On – shows all available parameters for the data export. Off – Shows only Version and Time Parameters. This is the best setting for an export when wanting to change only these two options for like a parameter for the export.

Data Source and Schema – These should never be changed and should be set to Automatically Create on the first run and not changed once populated. (Note: It will be locked from editing in June 2024.)

Credential – This is where users make sure that the correct Workday Adaptive Planning Credential populated. This should default correctly, however, if users have multiple credentials, users will have to select one based on the desired data in a specific instance.

Type – There are two types of exports – Export Data and Export Configuration Model Data. Export Date is the standard data export of accounts/dimensions/attributes with time and data from Adaptive. Export Configuration Model Data is the option to export model sheet data at the row level. If users choose this option, please skip to the Configurable Model Data Export Section for the different export options.

Version – By using the SHOW/HIDE button users can display all of the available versions in their model. It will include folders and groupings, however, users need to choose an version not a folder for the export to work. Multiple versions can be added to an export (unlimited) and by having include in schema option selected (the default setting) the export will include the data segmented by version.

Timespan – The SHOW/HIDE button will allow users to choose time periods from a picklist. Alternatively, if you know your Adaptive data format (usually MM/YYYY format or MMM_YYYY format) users can type these options directly into the fields provided. Note: Users have to select a month as the start/end date, even when reporting by year/quarter.

Time Rollups – Turning Time Rollups on allows users to choose quarters and/or years with instead of months in the data export.

Account – Similar to the Version option, users have the SHOW/HIDE option to display all accounts available from the model. This will include Standard, Modeled, Cube, Metric and Custom Accounts. Users can find accounts in the groupings and add them or search by name for the accounts in the search bar. When users add accounts, if they are a rollup account (account with accounts below it) users can choose to report on the lower level accounts by selecting INCLUDE DECENDANTS. If users only want the roll up account you need to select the include roll up options for accounts (covered in Roll up options later in this document). Users can select as many accounts as desired. The order of the accounts will not matter at this stage as a report is required to define account ordering. Once accounts are added, users will see the ACCOUNT ATTRIBUTES option. Turning this option on will allow you to select and add Account Attributes to the export.

Include Account Attributes:

By turning on this option, users can select from a picklist the available attributes and click the ADD button to add the attributes to the export. Note, this will assign the values from the list of Attribute associated with the data in the report.

Levels – Levels work similar to Accounts and Versions and use the same controls for SHOW/HIDE and adding elements. Note: Users can add either parent or lowest node Levels. If a user chooses a parent Level, you have the option to choose either “IS Rollup” or “Include Descendants”. If a user chooses IS Roll Up you get the data summarized to that level. If a user chooses Include Descendants, you get the detail of the data from the levels that roll up to that level.

Level Attributes – Same as Account Attributes, Users can turn this feature on to get a list of available Attributes for levels that are added to the report.

Dimensions – Similar to the Attributes options, this lets users search via a picklist the available dimensions and add them to their export. To add elements, click the blue ADD button once a  users selects the dimension.

Dimension Filters – Once a user has added a dimension, they can select it as a Dimension Filter to then select Dimension values to filter an export to only a select list of dimensions values. The controls are the same as the dimensions list above.

Dimension Values – Select values from a dimension list to reduce the export to only include values included in the selected list. Once a user selects the item click the ADD button.

Lowest Node – Choosing lowest node allows users to select a dimension parent value and all the child dimensions will be added to the export.

Additional Export Options:

Named Range Column – Turned on adds an automatic and dynamic named range to each column and the entire data range in the data set to your export. This is key to using our custom Adaptive formula (covered in another section Titled – ADAPTIVE CUSTOM FORMULA)

Unpivot Data – This feature is BETA and not fully supported/recommended. It turns Adaptive data into a list view with dates as a rows instead of columns. It can create huge datasets from relatively small Adaptive datasets and isn’t recommended. DataBlend will be enhancing this in the future and this will be come more usable in the future.

Display Name Enabled – If users have level/dimension names that are different than their level/dimension codes, they need to select this option and include display names and names to the export.

Replace Data – This option is recommended as it clears the previous set of data and always replace

Rules – If users have chosen options above that want either roll up accounts or rollup levels, users need to turn on these options accordingly here.

Currency – Users can choose either Corporate Currency (top level currency) or Local Currency (level currency, which cannot be rollup). Override can be used to specify another currency to convert to that has to exist in the model.

Save And Execute - It will do just that, save and run the export. Users will be able to come back and edit/change later via the Edit Existing Queries options.

5. Drag and Drop Report Creation 

6. Managing your Attribute Hierarchies

7. Copying/Sharing Queries