HubSpot Credentials

From the HubSpot OAuth Guide

“The user installing the app must have access to all requested scopes. If they don't have the required access, the installation will fail and they will be directed to an error page. If a user sees this permissions error page, they'll need to have a Super Admin install the app.”

DataBlend currently (Sept. 2020) requires user access to Deals.

Field Name

Required/ Optional 







Provide a unique name for this credential

Access Token

Not Applicable

Leave blank

Refresh Token

Not Applicable

Leave blank

Credential Type


Select Datablend or Datablend For Data Flows from the drop-down menu. 

Users select the app to which they are wishing to connect to in the Datablend credential UI.


After all fields are filed in, click Connect to HubSpot.

Hubspot Cred 2

Enter HubSpot credentials.

Hubspot Cred 3

You will be redirected to DataBlend and the Access Token and Refresh Token fields will be populated.