iCompleat Data Targets


DataBlend Supports the following data targets for creating and modifying records in iCompleat.

  • Transactions

  • Account Codes

  • Suppliers

  • Currency Codes

  • Custom Field

  • Delivery Sites

  • Tax Codes




Required/ Optional





Select the query that will generate the data for this target.
See the relevant target type documentation for additional details on what query columns are required for your target.

Query Mode


Choose New unless you have a reason for choosing Latest or Specific.



Select an iCompleat Credential from the list.

iCompleat Data Target Type


Choose the iCompleat collector type from the drop-down menu.

Company Id


Enter the Company Id to upsert or delete the desired company

 To learn more about iCompleat API requirements, please visit Getting started with iCompleat API.


History Retention

History Retention (Days) allows users to decide how long they want the information from their data targets to be stored. This field is optional.

Timeout (seconds)

The Timeout section allows users to determine if they would like to timeout collections taking longer than a set number of seconds to collect data.

Skip If No Records Found

The “Skip if No Records Found” button is used to eliminate sending information to Data Targets unnecessarily. Simply enable the “Skip if No Records Found” toggle. The use of this toggle is optional.


The Agent drop-down for users to select any agent they have established. This is optional.

Run As

Run As allows users to select from a drop-down list of users to run the Workflow. This is optional. Please note that Run As is only available to Admin users. If a user is set as the Run As and then demoted to a Member, the user which demoted the Run As user will instead be set as the Run As.