1. Knowledge Base
  2. DataBlend Partner Certification Program

Implementation Process

  • Pre-Kickoff Phase

    • Request DataBlend group creation

    • Review contract for scope, assumptions, and any timeline expectations

    • Confirm DataBlend group (Users/Plugins)

    • Schedule kickoff meeting with client; prepare kickoff materials

  • Kickoff Phase

    • Lead kickoff meeting with client

      • Confirm key resources (ex - business process owner, data SME, source/target system SME) and decisionmakers; identify any gaps

      • Confirm scope, priority of workflow, and dependencies on data availability

      • Schedule regular cadence for reporting project status (meeting vs email)

    • Configure client users in DataBlend (Admin vs Member)

      • It is recommended to set up the client as Member users through implementations to avoid unintended modifications being made to the configuration during implementation.

    • Set up credentials in DataBlend (Source System)

    • Set up credentials in DataBlend (Target System)

    • Confirm & gain access to Sandbox/UAT Environment(s), if applicable

    • Create project management materials, as needed (ex: project plan, status report, action item log)
      Schedule initial design session with appropriate resources; request sample data and/or relevant documentation if available for review beforehand

    • WF1: Name of Workflow (Source Name >> Target Name) (Repeat for each workflow in scope)

      • Workflow Design Phase

        • Hold discovery session(s) to discuss workflow requirements - discuss business case, goals, and desired data target outcome

        • Prepare documentation of field mapping from source to target, noting transformations and/or filters to be applied

        • Identify any additional reference data that may be required to map between source and target data

        • Discuss and document data scenarios that require special handling/exception mapping
          Determine desired frequency of workflow execution

        • Review final requirements for client approval

      • Workflow Build Phase

        • Configure collectors - source system

        • Configure collectors - target system (for comparison to existing data within queries, if needed)

        • Configure any additional reference tables to be stored within DataBlend or via an external source for mapping

        • Configure queries per mapping requirements

        • Configure data targets per mapping requirements

        • Construct workflow using configured collectors, queries, and data targets; confirm order of steps based on any applicable dependencies

        • Configure parameters within individual components (ex - collectors) and within overall workflow, if needed

      • Workflow UAT Phase

        • Conduct internal testing on collectors to ensure all relevant data is being collected

        • Conduct internal testing/sanity check on queries; discuss any additional data scenarios identified during testing to discuss handling with client

        • Confirm sample data to use for testing with client, and test strategy (ex: small volume then large volume; specific dates; specific notations/descriptions to use in test results to easily identify)

        • Process test data through DataBlend & have client review results in target system

        • Discuss and resolve any discrepancies with client; client approves final test results

      • Go-Live Phase

        • Review collector, query, and data target configuration for Production readiness (ex: point collectors and data targets to Production instance(s), remove test/draft labeling on results)

        • Perform DataBlend training with client

        • Configure trigger or schedule for workflow, if needed; else, client will execute ad-hoc

        • Configure workflow notification for DataBlend support and for client or others

      • Project Close-Out

        • Transition client to Customer Support and/or Account Managers

        • Complete any project close-out documentation; save configuration documentation