Parameters can be applied to a collector, query, data target, task, or workflow to enable ease of access to variables that may change from time to time (e.g. date ranges, filters, mapping values, etc.)
To add a parameter, navigate to the parameters tab and click Add Parameter
Give the parameter a name and select a Type (Boolean, Date, Relative Date or String). Based on this choice, a specific Value field will be displayed:
For example, within the a Query Builder, select a field to apply the parameter to. The Parameter Name will need to be present between braces
A string is a parameter that is useful for characters, text, numbers, or symbols.
Date parameters provide users the ability to collect data within a specific window of time. The dates are entered as specific dates such as Month/Day/Year.
Relative Date
Relative Date parameters provide users the ability to collect data within a relative window of time. The dates are entered as within a wide variety of timeframes such as start of the first quarter and end of the last quarter.
A Boolean Parameter is useful for users wishing to utilize True, False, or NULL values.
Encrypted Value
Encrypted values are useful to pass encrypted information from Query to Data Target. Please note that values will be stored encrypted and not be able to be decrypted by non-admins. Parameters must be used with the notation. For example, if a header value in the http data target is an API key that a user wants encrypted they can add a parameter.
Query Result
A Query Result parameter is useful to replace a query result with a specific value. Users must select a specific Query from the drop-down menu from which to insert the intended value.
Custom Relative Date
Calendar Type
“Default” calendar type lets users define an offset of a period from a certain point in time and additionally the start or end of that period and how the result is formatted.
The “Fiscal” calendar limits the period type to only Quarters and Years and the year’s start date is based of the group settings.
Period Type
Options are Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year
Range Type
Options are Default, Start Of, and End Of. Default does not change the base date and will not truncate any values. This is useful if the parameter should be exactly one week ago instead of the beginning of last week.
Determines how many periods should be added or subtracted from the base date.
As Of
Allows the user to change the base date, otherwise the time (UTC) the job is run is used.
Useful in scripts to format the date according to dotnet standards.