QuickBooks Desktop Collectors


DataBlend can collect the following QuickBooks Desktop reports:

  • AP Aging Detail

  • AP Aging Summary

  • AP Detail

  • AR Aging Detail

  • AR Aging Summary

  • AR Detail

  • Balance Sheet Detail

  • Balance Sheet Standard

  • Open Sales Order By Item

  • Profit And Loss Detail

  • Sales By Item Summary

  • Trial Balance

QBD connects to DataBlend to look for waiting report collections at an interval set in the QBD web services configuration. Therefore, you may see a delay before the collection completes.

See QuickBooks Desktop Credentials for details on how to set the QBD polling interval.




Required/ Optional






QuickBooks Desktop



Free text descriptive name for the collector

Data Source


DataBlend data source for the collected report



QuickBooks Desktop credential
See QuickBooks Desktop Credentials

Schema Name


DataBlend schema for the collected report.
If a schema with this name already exists in the data source, then the existing schema will be used. If no schema with this name exists, a new schema will be created.

Report Type


The QBD report to be collected

Start Date


Enter desired start date.

End Date


Enter desired end date.

Date Macro


Enter desired date macro.


Balance Sheet Detail & Profit and Loss Detail





Report Basis

Cash, Accrual or None
If None, QBD default is used.

Summarize Rows By

Day, FourWeek, HalfMonth, Month, Quarter, TotalOnly, TwoWeek, Week, Year

Report Account Type

Account type to be included in the report

Transaction Types

Multi-select transaction types to be included in the report

Detail Level

All - transactions and summary
All Except Summary - transactions only
Summary Only - no individual transactions

Posting Status

Non Posting


Multi-select desired columns to be included

Include Accounts


In Use

Open Balance As Of

Report End Date


Balance Sheet Standard





Include Subcolumns

True / FAlse

Report Basis

Cash, Accrual or None
If None, QBD default is used.

Summarize Columns By

Day, FourWeek, HalfMonth, Month, Quarter, TotalOnly, TwoWeek, Week, Year

Account Type

Account type to be included in the report

Report Detail Level

All - transactions and summary
All Except Summary - transactions only
Summary Only - no individual transactions

Report Posting Status

Non Posting

Return Rows

Active Only
Non Zero

Return Columns

Active Only
Non Zero


Please note that QuickBooks Desktop allows connectors to retrieve data based on company file locations.

QuickBooks Desktop can collect while a different company file is open or while the QuickBooks Desktop is closed. For more on configuration, please visit QuickBooks Desktop Credentials.

 How QBD collectors work

1. The way most QBD client collectors work:

  1. QBD collector kicked off from DataBlend

  2. That sends command to QBD instance that DataBlend is looking to collect X type of data

  3. A QBD user needs to login to QBD instance, choose the right Company and run QBD Web Service, thus saying to QBD "please process with any queuing processes that are currently waiting (i.e. DataBlend)

  4. Once Web Service is executed and data is collected, the data gets forwarded to DataBlend platform where it is going through collector into Data Source/Schema

Note: user might not need to login to QBD and kick off the web service IF:

  1. The QBD instance, that has our credentials installed under Web Service, has Web Services window open at the time of running QBD collector from DataBlend

  2. The Web Service task has been scheduled to run every X minutes (simulating the manual execution of Web Service task)

2. Alternative way to run QBD collector:

  1. Create QBD credentials that can trigger DataBlend workflow once QBD Web Service has been kicked off

  2. Build the rest of the workflow

  3. When required, User will login to QBD, open Web Services and execute the required Web Service

  4. Web service will collect data and forward to DataBlend

  5. DataBlend will start the workflow, receive data into collector step and pass it in to Data Source/Schema

  6. Continue workflow

In all cases a single workflow should be associated with single QBD company.