QuickBooks Desktop Credentials

Before starting to configure a QBD credential a workflow with the collector to be used to collect data from QBD should be built.

Configure a QBD credential in DataBlend

  1. From the Credentials screen, select AddQBD 1 Credentials

  2. Set Type to QuickBooks Desktop.

  3. Enter a descriptive name for the credential.

  4. Enter a password that QBD web services will use to authenticate to DataBlend.
    Note this password. You will enter it into QuickBooks Desktop.
    Note that at this stage no identifier is assigned to the credential.
    QBD 2 Credentials

  5. Save the credential. The number at the end of the url shows that your credential received an id number.
    QBD 3 Credentials

  6. Enter Company File Path, where QBW file will be located, to run the web service without the company file needing to be open.
    You can find file path when opening QuickBooks Desktop. Example of the file path from the screenshot below will be
    C://Users/ValentinaPereyaslave\Documents\sample_product-based business.qbwQBD 4 Credentials

  7. Select the workflow that was build with collector to be used with this credential but DON’T click Save yet.
    Download QBWC Configuration file and only then Save the Credential.
    QBD 5 Credentials


    If Save button clicked before downloading the QBWC Configuration file, workflow details will disappear and won’t be populated in the file.QBD 6 Credentials

    You’ll be able to notice that the workflow part is missing within <UserName> tags in the file.

  8. Move the QBWC file to a location accessible by QuickBooks Desktop.

 Please note that a Test button is not available for this Credential.

Configure QBD web services to connect to DataBlend

  1. Open QuickBooks Desktop.

  2. From the file menu, open Update Web Services.
    QBD 7 Credentials

  3. Click Add an Application, find the downloaded QBWC file, and click Open.
    QBD 8 Credentials

  4. You may receive an error that QBD cannot contact the application’s support URL. It is safe to proceed past this error.
    QBD 9 Credentials

  5. Click OK to give DataBlend access to QBD data.
    QBD 10 Credentials

  6. QBD will now display an application for DataBlend.

  7. Enter the password configured above, then TAB out of the password field.

  8. Click Yes when prompted to save the password.
    QBD 11 Credentials

  9. QBD will attempt to connect to DataBlend. A successful connection will return an identifier as the Last result, displayed in green.QBD 12 Credentials


    Additionally, status information will be displayed on the QBD credential in DataBlend.
    QBD 13 Credenials

  10. If desired, change the polling frequency (Every-Min column).
    Be sure to click Update Selected to apply the changes.
    QBD 14 Credentials

  11. A failed connection will display an error in the QBD UI as well as in the log:

    QBD 15 Credentials

    20200909.20:30:39 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.CheckCFNResponse() : Datablend: Not a valid username and password. Job ending.


If QBD Connection failed to collect data follow the steps below:

  1. Add file from credential with NO workflow selected

  2. Collector data manually (kicked off from within DataBlend and THEN in QBD)

  3. Create Workflow

  4. Add workflow to credential

  5. Download file

  6. Save credential

  7. Upload new file to QBD

  8. Kick off from QBD x2


In the case that a user is integrating with multiple QBD company files, the user will need to close the web connector each time when switching between company files in QBD.