QuickBooks Online Collectors


DataBlend currently collects a large number of QuickBooks Online data types.

  • Report

    • Profit and Loss Detail

    • Balance Sheet

    • Balance Sheet by Month

    • General Ledger

    • Sales by Product

    • Trial Balance

  • Entity

    • Account

    • Attachable

    • Bill

    • Bill Payment

    • Budget

    • Class

    • Company Currency

    • Company Info

    • Credit Card Payment Txn

    • Credit Memo

    • Customer

    • Customer Type

    • Department

    • Deposit

    • Employee

    • Estimate

    • Exchange Rate

    • Invoice

    • Item

    • Journal Code

    • Journal Entry

    • Payment

    • Payment Method




Required/ Optional






QuickBooks Online

Data Source


Select a pre-configured data source from the drop down or click Create New to create a new data source.

Schema Name


Enter a name for the schema where the collected data will be stored. This can be a pre-configured schema or a new schema which will be created the first time the collector is run.



Select a pre-configured QuickBooks Online credential from the drop-down.

QuickBooks Online Collector Type


Select a pre-configured QuickBooks Online collector type from the drop-down.

Report Type


Select from the drop-down menu.

Start Date Parameter


Set desired Parameter via the drop-down menu.

End Date Parameter


Set desired Parameter via the drop-down menu.

 Collected Data

The QuickBooks Online attribute metadata collection returns the complete set of all custom attributes (excluding the trading partner system attribute for consolidation instances), including all member values. DataBlend makes these available in a tabular format with the following columns:


Column Name



Value will be either Attribute or AttributeValue.

Indicates whether the row represents a custom attribute or the value of a custom attribute.


Populated for attribute values only.

Indicates this value's parent attribute or attribute value.


QuickBooks Online internal id number. This value is required when making updates to the attribute or attribute value.


Name of the attribute or attribute value.


Populated for attributes only.
Value will be either account, level, or dimension.

Indicates whether the attribute can be applied to a QuickBooks account, level or dimension.


Populated for attributes only.
Value will be either 0 or 1.

Indicates whether an attribute value can be created automatically for this attribute when data is loaded. If 0, attribute values will not be created. If 1, attribute values will be created.


DataBlend is aware of an issue where no values for keepsorted are returned.


Populated for attributes of type dimension only.

Indicates the custom dimension the attribute is associated with.


Per QuickBooks Online API docs:

Added in API v17 but reserved for future use.

To learn more about QuickBooks Online API requirements, please visit Intuit Developer.

API Response Limit

The Reports API response has a max cell limit of 400000 (4Lakh) for API response. If API response exceeds the max cell limit, you should get this message at the end of the response - 'Unable to display more data. Please reduce the date range”. Pagination for reports API is not supported.

Example how it can be seen in DataBlend workflow:
Data Target step error: Datasink execution error - Query execution completed with an error
Query error for required field: INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT: Invalid format: ""
Source data ending with this message: