Sage Intacct Collectors


The Sage Intacct collector allows you to collect data from configuration in the Sage Intacct environment. The Sage Intacct account used by DataBlend must have permission to access the desired data.

DataBlend can collect the following objects from Sage Intacct:

  • Read By Query

  • Query

  • List Account Balances

  • List Attachments

  • List Attachment Folders

  • List Account Balances By Dimensions

  • Get Financial Setup

  • Custom Report

  • Invoice Pdf




Required/ Optional






Sage Intacct



Descriptive free-text name for the collector

Data Source


Select a pre-configured data source from the drop down or click Create New to create a new data source.

Schema Name


Enter a name for the schema where the collected data will be stored. This can be a pre-configured schema or a new schema which will be created the first time the collector is run.



Select a pre-configured Sage Intacct credential from the drop-down.

Entity ID


For multi-entity environment. Leave blank for Top Level. Top Level might not contain all data for other entities under it.

Intacct Collector Type


Export Attributes

Use Bookmark


Enable or Disable Use Bookmark Button

 To learn more about Sage Intacct API requirements, please visit API Reference.


Bookmarks can be used on certain collectors to set a dynamic value each time the collector runs. A field from the collector source will need to be selected to be associated with the Bookmark function. For example, ‘WHENMODIFIED’ is a field in the Sage Intacct GL Detail object that can be used as a Bookmark:image-20220816-144337

Once the Bookmark Field is set, every collection will save the value based on the latest run time. In the example above, the Bookmark is stored as a 'WHENMODIFIED' date of '05/17/2022 04:22:10'. The next time the Collector runs, it will only pull values with a different value, and then will update the Current Value field dynamically.

Other Notes about Bookmarks:

  • Most commonly set as date fields, the Bookmark Field can also be a non-date field.

  • Filters on the collector can still be applied, so even though a Bookmark may be set, if a filter is present it will still only collect data with both the Bookmark value and filters in mind.

  • Data gets collected into a new stream even when Bookmarks are present, the data does not automatically consolidate into one stream. Consolidation would need to be done in a query.

    • To accomplish this consolidation in the query, your FROM section will need to leverage ‘All Streams’. This will also carry a risk that if the bookmark’s ‘Current Value’ is cleared or the bookmark is removed, the same data can be included into a new stream and therefore overstate the dataset that is being used in the query. It is important to be mindful of which collectors and queries are relying on the bookmark functionality and avoid modifying the bookmark while in use. To reset the bookmarked data, make sure to clear the ‘Current Value’ and also purge all streams or create a new Schema so that you’re starting from an empty dataset.

Collected Data

The Sage Intacct attribute metadata collection returns the complete set of all custom attributes (excluding the trading partner system attribute for consolidation instances), including member values. DataBlend makes these available in a tabular format with the following columns:


Column Name



Value will be either Attribute or AttributeValue.

Indicates whether the row represents a custom attribute or the value of a custom attribute.


Populated for attribute values only.

Indicates this value's parent attribute or attribute value.


Sage Intacct internal id number. This value is required when making updates to the attribute or attribute value.


Name of the attribute or attribute value.


Populated for attributes only.
Value will be either account, level, or dimension.

Indicates whether the attribute can be applied to a Sage Intacct account, level or dimension.


Populated for attributes only.
Value will be either 0 or 1.

Indicates whether an attribute value can be created automatically for this attribute when data is loaded. If 0, attribute values will not be created. If 1, attribute values will be created.


DataBlend is aware of an issue where no values for keepsorted are returned.


Populated for attributes of type dimension only.

Indicates the custom dimension the attribute is associated with.


Per Sage Intacct API docs:

Added in API v17 but reserved for future use.

Filter types

Equal To / Not Equal To - For filtering for single value in a field

In / Not In - For filtering for multiple values in a field

Like / Not Like - For filtering based on a string value in a field, can be used for a partial match. Ex.: %payment%