UKG Ready Credentials

UKG Ready CredentialsTo make a UKG Ready connection, the following credentials are needed:

Field Name

Required/ Optional




Select UKG Ready from the drop-down menu



Provide a unique name for this credential



Enter UKG Ready Username within the open field.



Enter UKG Ready Password within the open field.



Enter API within the open field. This allows DataBlend to retrieve a user’s specific credentials.

Company Short Name


Enter UKG Ready Company within the open field. The how-to can be found below. 


How to Setup Rest API user on Ready

  • Step 1: Create Rest API User under company that is "Not in Payroll" status - This process is same as hiring a new company admin for a company.

  • Step 2: Give full view/edit permission to the new user was created

  • Step 3: Give Rest API User "All Company Employees" group access as a manager with view/edit permission

  • Step 4: Generate the API Key - Steps are under the rest api guide (Company Settings > Global Setup > Company Setup > Login Config > API Key)

  • Step 5: Review API guide and start making the calls

Rest API Guide Link: REST API Reference Guide

Finding the API Key

Once a user has logged into UKG. Users will simply navigate to Menu. Within Menu the user will select System Configuration and be taken to the Security page. Within the Security page users will click on Service Account Administration. Here users will find the API Key.

How to Generate an API-Key in WFR

REST API Authentication is done using your Account username, password, and Api-Key header. Api-Key header requires a generated api key as value. The value can be generated on Api Keys control in Company Setup (client level)/ Company Configuration (admin level). To generate this APi-Key at the client level:

  1. Navigate to Company Settings.

  2. Global Setup.

  3. Company Setup.

  4. If you know where your API Keys window is, skip to step 8.

  5. Click the Edit Tabs icon

  6. Click and drag the API Keys window from the available windows column on the right to a section on a tab. (Preferably under the Login Config Tab).

  7. Select SAVE and click BACK.

  8. Click the config tab with the API Keys window.

  9. Click the GENERATE button.

  10. Click the eye icon to show the masked API Key.

  11. Copy and secure this API Key; it will be needed to authenticate with the REST API services.

Pressing the GENERATE button will generate and save a new (different) REST API Key value every time. If the generate button is pressed, be sure to copy and secure the newly generated key, as the old key will no longer be valid for authentication.

Where to Find Company Short Name?

The Company Short Name is a 7-digit number required to establish a connection to DataBlend. The Short Name is found in the URL used to login to UKG Ready. The last 7-digits of the URL is the Short Name.
