Sage Intacct Data Targets

Entity ID

By default, DataBlend will authenticate to Intacct at the Top Level of the account. If the account is multi-entity and data should not be loaded to the Top Level, then set an Entity ID in the data target.


Each Sage Intacct target will modify a single table in the application in one of three ways:

  1. Create

  2. Update

  3. AutoUpsert


DataBlend will attempt to create a new record in Intacct for each row in the query result set.


DataBlend will attempt to update an existing record in Intacct for each row in the query result set.

Null and empty string (““) values are treated differently. A field with a Null value is disregarded when sending data to Intacct. A field with an empty string (““) will clear any existing value in Intacct.


For each row in the query result set, DataBlend will check for an existing Intacct record. If the record exists, DataBlend will attempt to update the record; if the record does not exist, then DataBlend will attempt to create the record.

To learn more about Sage Intacct API requirements, please visit API Reference.


History Retention

History Retention (Days) allows users to decide how long they want the information from their data targets to be stored. This field is optional.

Timeout (seconds)

The Timeout section allows users to determine if they would like to timeout collections taking longer than a set number of seconds to collect data.

Skip If No Records Found

The “Skip if No Records Found” button is used to eliminate sending information to Data Targets unnecessarily. Simply enable the “Skip if No Records Found” toggle. The use of this toggle is optional.


The Agent drop-down for users to select any agent they have established. This is optional.

Run As

Run As allows users to select from a drop-down list of users to run the Workflow. This is optional. Please note that Run As is only available to Admin users. If a user is set as the Run As and then demoted to a Member, the user which demoted the Run As user will instead be set as the Run As.


An Excel template is provided for each supported Intacct record type. The template provides correct column headers, descriptions of each column (taken from the Intacct API documentation), mappings to Intacct collection columns and an indication of the primary key and required fields for each table. Available Data Targets include:

Account Group
Accumulation Type
AP Adjustment
AR Adjustment
AR Advance
AP Bill
AP Payment
AP Payment Request
AP Retainage Release
AR Payment
AR Retainage Release
Bank Feed
Change Request
Change Request Status
Change Request Type
Checking Account
Checking Account Reconciliation
Contract Billing Schedule Update
Contract Line
Create Deposit
Custom Object
Employee Position
Entity Relationship
Expense Adjustment
Expense Report
Inventory Transaction
Journal Entry
Labor Class
Labor Shift
Labor Union
Location Entity
Observed Percent Complete
Order Entry Price List
Order Entry Price List Entry
Order Entry Transaction
Other Receipt
Purchasing Price List
Purchasing Price List Entry
Purchasing Transactions
Reconcile Savings Account
Revenue Recognition Schedule
Revenue Recognition Schedule Entry
Reverse Invoice
Savings Account